How to find information

Information sources

When developing with Simplicité, there are several places where you can find documentation and examples to find the adequate solutions to your use cases:

Search options

At the moment you have two search options:

  • a classic search that scans the documentation (available in the docs menu)
  • an extended meta-search tool that scans all the preceding information sources (accessible through the results of the first search if it is not sufficient)
See screen captures tutorial



See video tutorial


Unfortunately the product we use for the extended search (Google Custom Search Engine) offers no ad-free version and, if you have no Ad Blocker on your navigator, it will show some ads. Offering a better search experience is on our roadmap though, and we’ll keep you posted!

Fast access

If you are a frequent Simplicité User, and you are doing a lot of searches, it might be a good idea to add a keyword (for example sim) for a direct search from your navigator’s omnibox:

See omnibox usage example


Here are the intructions on how to install the omnibox search:

Google Chrome tutorial
  1. Visit (this will automatically install a search engine to your navigator)
  2. Go to chrome’s settings > Manage search engines and look for Simplicité in the “Other search engines” section
  3. Change to keyword to sim and save
  4. Type sim getBusinessObject in the adress bar: you are automatically directed to the results

Chrome help

Firefox tutorial
  1. Visit and click on “Add search engine” in the page actions:
  2. Access the search engines preferences
  3. Change to keyword to sim by double-clicking the keyword area and save
  4. Type sim getBusinessObject in the adress bar: you are automatically directed to the results

Firefox help
