LAST CALL: switch to 5.2 Docker tags (or Git branches) if you want to keep using minor version 5.2



The current latest[-light], 5-latest[-light] and 5[-light] Docker images tags still currently point to the previous minor version 5.2 latest revision

They will switch to the current minor version 5.3 on friday may 5th 2023. If you are using the above “latest” tags, your instance will be upgraded to minor version 5.3 latest revision and, once upgraded, downgrading to 5.2 is not possible.

If you want to keep using, for now, the previous minor version 5.2 you MUST now use the 5.2[-light] tags. Keep in mind that this minor version 5.2 will be maintained till september 30th 2023 (minor versions’ short term maintenance period).

PS: the logic is the same if you are using the Git template instead of the Docker images : the release[-light] branches will switch to the 5.3 minor version latest revision at the same date. If you want to keep using the previous minor version 5.2 you MUST now use the 5.2[-light] branches